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How to increase the max number of incidents exported within Symantec DLP
You can change the maximum number of incidents displayed that are reported using the Web Archiver by edit the file. This file can be found at the following locations:
Windows: X:SymantecDLPProtectconfig
Linux: /opt/SymantecDLP/Protect/config
The second value controls the maximum number of exported incidents, but the first value must also be changed to match the second to allow the maximum number of incidents to be retrieved by the user interface.
#The maximum number of incidents that may be displayed when clicking show all on an incident list page
#The maximum number of incidents allowed in a report exported using the Web Archiver
Note: The default is 10000; you may increase the value but be aware of possible performance impacts on the Enforce server during a large export. A report consisting of several thousand incidents could take a few hours.
After applying the changes in the file the Vontu Manager service must be restarted to apply the changes.